Creating A World To Which People Want To Belong
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Listening Skills
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“Listening Skills”

stays for the mission that we value everyone’s right to be heard and to receive emotional support at their time of need and we believe that listening is a key competence to provide emotional well-being in private and business situations. 

Listening Skills is a training concept that had been developed from 2015 to 2017 during the project “Empowering - Educational path for emotional well-being”.  The project was supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program. It was held and developed by organizations related to the field of emotional support and crisis intervention (TES - Telephone Emergency Services) in collaboration with research institutes from four different countries: Germany, Hungary, Italy and The Netherlands.

The aim of this project was to lift the treasure of listening skills in the field of listening centres in Europe, to put together best practice experiences under scientific criteria and to set up a 120 hours training to educate the basic competences in listening for everyone. The effectiveness of the training has been measured using scientific based assessments.

Being a good listener is one of the most important and amazing life skills that anyone can achieve. Yet not many of us know how to do it because nobody has taught us and even fewer have had the experience of really being listened to. Like most things, it’s about education.

Luckily there are some basic practices than can help everyone navigate in our daily interactions to ensure better communication. It’s all about mastering emotions, juggling values, mirroring needs, respecting maps of reality, arranging information and asking good questions.


These skills and abilities were explored in the project EmPoWEring!


Dr. Stefan Schumacher  |