Curriculum Vitae
Stefan Schumacher, Dr. rer. soc. / Dipl. Theol.
is born 1964 in Aachen (Germany)
Catholic Theology with Diploma form 1986 to 1992
Social Science with Doctoral degree from 1991 to 1996
in Tübingen / Germany.
Qualifications in the following psychological methods as coach, counsellor, trainer:
· Client Centred Counselling (1990, University Tübingen, Germany)
· Couple-, Family- and Life Counselling (1995, DAJEB, Germany)
· Neurolingusitic Programming (1996, NLP-Trainer & Coach DVNLP)
· Focusing (1998, Dr. Dieter Grässner, Germany)
· Brief Strategic Therapy (2010, MEI-Heidelberg, Germany & Arezzo, Italy)
Additional trainings in the following specialities with experts (1993-2009):
· The Strategic Dialog (G. Nardone, Italy)
· Strategic Coaching along violence and aggression (P. Mordazzi, Italy)
· Tools of the Spirit/ NLP (R. Dilts, USA)
· Top Communication Skills (J. Grinder, USA)
· Hypnotherapy (Chr. Hall, USA)
· Provocative Therapy (N. Höfner, Germany)
· Positive Psychotherapy (N. & H. Peseschkian, Germany)
· Theatre & Stage performance (divers., Germany)
Jobs and projects
1992 to 1997 I was scientific assistant at the Institute for Ecumenical Studies in Tübingen. In this time I discovered three important projects: firstly my doctoral dissertation along the question of the individual structure of meaning in life. Second a scientific project that works on the influence of language and communication skills in Theology and Education. Third an intercultural project in cooperation with the foundation „Stiftung Weltethos“ (Wolrdethics) of Prof. Dr. Hans Küng in which I organised a youth camp with Christian, Muslimic and Jewish people living together and organising their lives for two weeks together.
Since 1994 I’m working as Trainer for communication skills, coach and supervisor for personal development and as speaker in the field of Theology, Psychology and Social Science.
Since 1998 I’m post director of the TES listening centre in Hagen/ Germany. The main activities there are qualifying and coaching about 90 volunteers, organising a phone and internet based 24 hours service, networking in the social and political area.
1999 to 2001 I was German delegate and member of the Scientific Committee of the Daphne Project „VOICES“ (violence against women and children) of the EU in cooperation with TES.
2000-2010 I was delegate of the Catholic Conference of TES in Germany for the international Committee of IFOTES
2007-2010 Vice-President of IFOTES
2010-2016 President of IFOTES
Since 2011 founding-member of IFOTES-Europe
Author and editor of different books and articles around meaning in life, emotional health, violence description, communiaction skills e.t.c.